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Maureen Bruno Roy 's Race Reports

October 27-28, 2007

Last week Matt and I drove south to Kentucky for the first 2 races of the National Gran Prix Series.  Along the way we stopped at a State Park for a bike ride and to stretch our legs and take in the Fall scenery.  The weather in Kentucky had predicted rain all week, so I as hopeful for a fun and muddy racecourse.

We arrived at the racecourse on Friday afternoon.  The promoters allowed riding on the course for a few hours the day before the race so that the racers could get to know the course a bit.  To my surprise it was bone dry but had some good technical turns, run-ups and a big set of stairs.  About an hour later is started to rain, making things more slippery and fun. 

Race #1 Saturday
Some light drizzle and clouds skies made for a slick racecourse with some tricky sections despite the very fast race with a stacked Pro field.  The women leading the race were all current or former National Champs and a former World Champion.  I had a decent start and found myself riding with 3 other riders fighting for a spot in the top 10.  One of the racers slid out on some wet pavement and it was down to 3 of us going into the last lap.  As we weaved around the final corners, I realized it was down to me and one other rider as we sprinted for the last spot in the top 10.  I was nosed out at the line and finished the day in 11th place.

Race #2 Sunday
Sunday’s racecourse was faster and dryer than Saturday with some sunshine warming things up a bit.  I had a slower start than I would have liked and found myself chasing to get up to the top 10 right away.  As I moved up through the tricky sandpit around the corner to the next patch of sand, I crashed into another rider who had faltered (my pal Megan).  We untangled ourselves and I sped off in pursuit of the riders in front of me.  I ended up riding with a few other riders feeling a little gassed from chasing after the crash and finished up 15th for the day.

Thanks for reading.




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